Grinder Automatic Meat Cutting Machine High Speed Bowl Cutter Best Meat Chopper
1. The internationally renowned brand frequency converter is adopted to make the cutting speed arbitrarily adjusted between 300
and 4200 revolutions per second. This machine has low noise, high efficiency and significant energy saving effect. 2. Swedish SKF
front and rear bearings, Swiss ABB electrical components; 3. Display operation of man-machine interface produced in Taiwan; 4.
Germany vacuum pump and China's high-end hydraulic system; 5. It can be equipped with 6 knives in the shape of crescent knife and
broken line knife, and the gap between cutting knife and chopping pot is 1.0~1.5mm to ensure the mixing effect; 6. The main body
of the machine is made of high-quality stainless steel, which is strong, durable and easy to clean; 7. Equipped with super large
rotary bearing and automatic cleaning function
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